Monday, January 11, 2010

A little heat, and a theme emerges

I've noticed two themes that have emerged in my cooking as of late. 1) Orange things (butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes) and 2) heat. I have used various chile powders, cumin, and pepper in a lot of different things lately.

I made some honey-chile glazed roasted almonds (recipe courtesy of my dear friends, the Hart-Davidsons). Mine didn't turn out as well as the ones I received from Bill, and I think I know what I did wrong. Will have to make another batch and try again. I also think I may have been a little heavy-handed with the chimayo chile powder. Yowza. Warm heat to start, but WOO! a bit of a bite to the finish. But, they're addictively good and very satisfying.

I made a triple-threat squash soup, adding cumin, roasted garlic and cayenne pepper to spice it up a bit. The soup was delicious, but I did get a bit fussy when I strained the entire batch through a one-cup strainer.

Tonite, I had a couple of salmon fillets to cook. I seasoned them with cumin, and pan seared them, 2 minutes each side over medium-high heat. Really nice sear, I was very pleased with myself. I also managed to not cook the fish to death, which is something that I always worry I will do. The salmon was just barely cooked through in the center and finished with some fresh lime juice. Very nice. To accompany, I microwaved a sweet potato (don't judge me, I'm busy, and sweet potatoes take forever to bake) and then did a roasted cauliflower dish (recipe courtesy of weight watchers) that used more chiles and smokey spices. Separate one head of cauliflower into florets. Toss in a glug of olive oil and then 1/2 tsp each salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder. Roast at 400 for 10-12 minutes, stirring halfway thru, until tender.

And, since I have an insatiable sweet tooth, a couple of ginger snaps for dessert.


  1. Pictures, please!

    I had salmon for dinnner, too! . . . a Weight Watchers recipe, but it was good.

  2. Go Cathy! Always looking for new stuff to cook. Your salmon sounds great. We could eat it every single day up here.

  3. Haha, one step at a time, Rima. I actually thought about snapping a picture, but the battery in my camera is dead. I can't find the cord to upload them into my computer, and the camera phone I have sucks. I will eventually tho.

  4. Cathy, so far so good. I enjoy your writing style, very readable. And I already know your cookin' is goooood! I look forward to trying some of your recipes...good luck and have fun.
