Potlucks are big business at my office. I've never had to participate in so many potlucks in my life! I seem to have developed a "reputation" for making delicious things for potlucks, so I'm feeling a little pressure to produce something special for the birthday potluck. We had a potluck last week I couldn't bring anything for (not enough notice) so I was chastised a bit for NOT bringing in something "fabulous."
The theme for tomorrow's potluck at the office is "healthy foods" so I decided to come up with a fruit salad as my contribution. I hit the legendary West Side Market in Cleveland and for about $12, I ended up with a pineapple, a giant mango, some blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.
I chopped everything up and then tried to figure out what to add to spice it up. I threw in one tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of limoncello to macerate the fruit.
For a sauce, I took a container of greek yogurt and had planned to add a jar of lemon curd I had in the pantry. Um, yeah, so the lemon curd had gone bad (ugh -- talk about gross), so I went to plan B. I zested a lemon and added the juice. I added a splash of vanilla and about 2 tablespoons of honey. End result -- the limoncello and sugar really bring out the sweetness in the fruit and the lemon zest and juice add a nice complement to the tanginess of the greek yogurt. The honey helps to mellow out the acidity. This is a really refreshing salad -- hope everyone likes it!